Friday, December 9, 2011

Raleigh wedding photographer | NC wedding photography

Michelle Gunton Photography, wedding photographer in Raleigh, NC  has again been nationally recognized by the AGWPJA.( The Artistic Guild of the Wedding Photojournalist Association.) The judges comments were "Very funny image and nice toning. I think that as strong as this image is, it would be even stronger if there were a tighter crop. The left side of the image is really not needed and distracts from this wonderful caught moment. " The reason that I chose not to crop in on the picture was b/c with a tighter crop you would  not know that the photo was from a mirror, not straight on. Yes, as a creative photographer when I snapped the photo I really wish I had the other bridesmaids face in the picture but I wanted the moment and I was afraid it wouldn't last long enough. My split decision still paid off in the end.


There are soooo many Raleigh Wedding photographers in NC, so why hire me? You should hire me for my creativity and ability to think out of the box. I go above and beyond what your being charged. You have a chance of having a nationally recognized wedding photo.  Another thing to consider is my photography studio is built onto my house so I am able to keep my cost lower than another high end wedding photographer who might be paying rent for their space. I am also able to keep my wedding package cost down because I do not out source my albums nor do I out source the processing of my images. If a photographer has these added cost they have to basically raise their prices to cover this cost. I dont know how many times I have heard " Michelle you need to raise your prices, your worth more than you are charging."  It makes me feel good to hear this from photographer's who are charging 4000.00-6000.00 for services.  You are getting a GREAT deal when you hire me as your wedding photographer.

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