Sunday, January 22, 2012

Wedding Photographic Society Photographer of the year

The WPS (Wedding Photographic Society)  announced the photographer of the year Friday night and to my total shock it was me.  I would like to give a big thanks To Brian Mullins Photography for the images from the party in the slide show below. You will see by the photos that I cried a lot, such great moments he captured!!! I was so humbled b/c I was in a room full of photographers who I highly respected in the wedding and portrait  industry and couldn't believe it was me.

I would not be where I am at today if it weren't for you, my client. I appreciate each and everyone one of you. I wish I could insert joke here, haha. Have I told you lately that blogging is the thing I do not like about my job, just being honest here. haha its a must, to stay up with the times though.

To my really close photographer friends Michelle, Nicole, and Tara, I'm really thankful you are in my life. I don't think I have ever told you this but ya'll inspire me to be a better photographer and a better person. I am soooo excited that I have 3 destination weddings this year and I get to share one with each of you.

With tradition  "WOOOOHOOOO" I got photographer of the year :-) and "WEEEEEEEEEEE" (Yes I love the pig commercial's)

Here are the images that placed in the 4th quarter with judges comments below photo.

1 comment:

Tara said...

Congratulations, Michelle! :) I am so glad that I was there to see you accept your award! What a fun moment! Thank you for your kind words and I can't wait for our destination wedding together either!!! :)