The planning that went into this was deciding on hair, make-up, and any props. Big thanks to Molly for letting me choose the hairstyle and the make-up. I knew I wanted the photographs to be a little edgy with some sex appeal, so I told Molly I wanted her to braid her hair wet and let it dry. Having done my 9 yr old daughters hair like it I knew the result would be crimpy and stringy. For her make-up I knew I wanted a lot of black eyeliner and a very dark lipstick. Let me give you some insight on what this will do for some photos. By going with a very dark lipstick when you turn the image to Black and white the lips will really pop if you go with a light colored lipstick the lips will blend in nicely with the face, making it less edgy. The hair was done by me, Molly and Deshield, who by the way was a great help to Molly and myself during the shoot. Make-up was done by Molly herself, way to rock it girl.
We were going to start photographing around 4:30 but man ole man was it raining, so we took our time getting ready, had a couple cocktails, and then decided to venture out and within 5 minutes the sun was out and then 10 minutes later there was a rainbow over the ocean, I mean really? 2 days in a row I had been blessed with the presence of a rainbow over the ocean, thank you God! I hope you enjoy the trash the dress pictures and I hope you find one particular picture to be a work of art :-) View Molly's post here about the trash the dress
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