Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Photography Family | A day in the Life | Raleigh NC

This family photography was done in their home in Raleigh, NC.  About a year and half ago I photographed the children in my studio at which time the parents suggested me doing a day in the life photography session when Yulia's parents flew in from the Ukraine.  Even though I'm a photographer I'm still a kid at heart and it was a great idea to come get pictures of the girls getting ready, then off to a park, Chuck E-cheese, etc. However when I arrived I found out things had changed and we were doing all the pictures at the house.  Yes I was a little bummed, but you know what, once I got into shooting I was excited to photograph the girls icing cupcakes, eating snow cones, running around playing with bubbles, playing in the bath tub with their mom . Some of the best photojournalist pictures I cant show to respect the privacy of the children.

I hope you enjoy the day in the life photos.

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